Virtualization, the process of creating software-based, hardware-independent virtual platforms for information system components, offers organizations a unique opportunity to reduce IT costs while increasing efficiency, redundancy and mobility. At Vooenna we are ready to help you implement and manage virtualization transformations of any size with our team of expert engineers and consultants who have more than a decade of experience in virtualization.

Server Virtualization

This technology empowers the efficient operation of multiple workloads, running on different operating systems as highly efficient virtual machines on one or more physical servers. In addition to improving IT efficiency, server virtualization reduces operating costs, enables faster workload distribution, boosts application performance, ensures superior service continuity, and eliminates unnecessary hardware redundancy and complexity.

Desktop Virtualization

Similar to server virtualization, desktop virtualization enables user workstations to run on one or more physical servers securely, efficiently, and with high availability. Through features such as compression and deduplication, desktop systems with similar data can utilize storage space more efficiently. By centralizing enterprise data, it provides a high level of security and responsiveness to evolving workplace needs. Virtualized desktops and applications can be seamlessly delivered to branch offices, remote locations and mobile devices such as iPads and Android tablets.

Application Virtualization

This technology isolates software applications from the underlying operating system and delivers them as virtual packages. This ensures compatibility, security, and efficient use of resources. Application virtualization streamlines deployment, updates, and management, and provides a consistent user experience across devices and platforms.

Graphics Virtualization

Designed for workloads such as computer-aided design, imaging, and 3D modeling where desktop virtualization may not have sufficient graphics processing power. This technology uses the capabilities of the GPUs in physical servers to power virtual machines, allowing graphically-intensive workstations to be seamlessly integrated into the virtualized desktop infrastructure. Graphics virtualization enhances efficiency by utilizing idle graphics processing power to enable design and presentation even on iPad and Android tablets.

Data Storage Virtualization

Essentially, it is a structure that allows multiple storage devices to appear and be shared as a single, centrally managed storage area. Using compression and deduplication technologies, it maximizes data space utilization and enables the creation of data area pools from multiple storage sources. These pools can be assigned to virtual systems, ensuring efficient use of physical space and allowing more data to be effectively stored in a smaller physical space.